Diy Boho Chic Denim Jacket and Jeans!

| Prashant Pandey |

Love all things boho? If you love the hippie style and all things bohemian, Maybe it’s ironic that what started out as a poor person’s way of life is now a fashion trend
so according to Wikipedia “Boho-chic is a style of fashion drawing on various bohemian and hippie influences, which, at its height in late 2005 was associated particularly with actress Sienna Miller and model Kate Moss in the United Kingdom and (as “boho” chic) actress and businesswoman Mary-Kate Olsen in the United States. It has been seen since the early 1990s and, although appearing to wane from time to time, has repeatedly re-surfaced in varying guises. Many elements of boho-chic became popular in the late 1960s and some date back much further, being associated, for example, with pre-Raphaelite women of the mid-to-late 19th century.”

so basically the Boho style is characterized by long flowing or tiered skirts and dresses, peasant blouses, ethnic touches like tunics or wood jewelry, embroidery or embellishment with beading, fringed handbags, and jeweled or embellished flat sandals (or flat ankle boots). The look is often layered and colorful.

Do you want to make a statement? Show them what you got by embellishing your old jean jacket with fringe and voila!

Embroidering jeans from the bottom like this is such an easy way to make your jeans look cool.
You can easily pair them with a loose top and high heels or even flats. You can do the same with with some denim shorts or else design with some embroidery stuff at the side of your denim shorts.this is how it’ll look;

Use some paper and make a design of your own choice over it, put it over the denim jeans and simply just color it and here’s how it’ll turn out to be;

This embroidered sides of bell bottoms look stunning here;

Gather around some stuff like laces, borders or any other embroidery items from your house and some fabric glue with scissors and you’re good to go to design your own boho chic denim jacket.

And this is how it’ll turn out to be just using a simple method of your own.
a before after image of designing boho chic denim jacket!

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