Denim Day which takes every year on April 29, 2020, is an event in which people are encouraged to wear Denim especially jeans to raise awareness of rape and sexual assault against women. April is considered to be Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and Denim Day is a call for all people to come together by wearing denim to support and as a visible sign of protest against sexual violence.

In Italy in the 1990s, a 45-year-old driving instructor was accused of rape. When he picked up an 18-year-old girl for her first driving lesson, he sexually assaulted her, then told her that if she was to tell anyone he would kill her. Later that night she told her parents and her parents helped her press charges. The rapist was convicted and sentenced to a lesser charge of indecent.

Many protests have taken part since it all started, This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic no rally could take place but lieu a virtual rally took place called ”Denim survivor virtual rally” In its 21 year of war against rape, Denim Day remained steadfast and supported survivors and also raised awareness about the public health and safety impacts of sexual violence around the world.

Below are some pictures from the press conference held in NewYork on Wednesday 29th April to support the cause by wearing a denim jacket and jeans also a mask made of denim gives a perfect example of a supportive Citizen.

So this was all about Denim Day, Which aimed to spread awareness and support each other, and also it got people united.