Today is indeed a nostalgic moment for blue jeans. May 20, 1873 is believed to be denim jeans’ birthday. It was this very fine day when Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patented their rough & tough pants. Rivets were placed on this fine day too.
Levis is the brand of Mr. Levi Strauss, so next time you ever wear Levis jeans; remember you are wearing the successor of Levis!

The two visionaries made this apparel alive and active forever. Denim Jeans are one of the most alluring and appealing fashion wear across the globe. If you notice, denim jeans are worn by all classes of people. The fashionable wear never discriminated on basis of caste, creed, religion, money, gender. All are invited to try this outfit and make it part of your wardrobe. I personally believe we can make jeans a sign of unity! The denim jeans are the cause of entrepreneurs and employment of million people worldwide.

The journey of denim jeans in our lives is special and unique. Each individual across the globe will have stories related to denim jeans. It can be the first time feeling after wearing it, it might have saved you to some extent from small accidents and injury, job rejections due to casual wear, first Date and hook up, appreciations from people for trendy denim, annoyed because it is too dirty to wash!

As the time went the denim jeans adapted as per human choices and trends. There are numerous patterns and styles available today. The most commonly seen and worn, the straight fit, skinny, bootcut, relaxed, flared, wide leg, etc. There are an endless number of brands in the market along with customized jeans. We “custom jeans” are making customized jeans since 1996, and we really know the taste, choice, and preference of the buyer globally.

The life voyage of denim since the century also consists of history, facts, songs, controversies, reforms, updates, laws and many more things. It is practically not possible to update entirely about a single blog. Stay tuned with us and let us celebrate this denim jeans birthday by remembering the moments, recollecting memories and our special touch with jeans in our life